Se torna Mr Spending Review
Carlo Cottarelli, già mister Spending Review, tornerà in Italia in autunno, dopo aver concluso il suo impegno al Fondo monetario internazionale. E' una buona notizia perché c'è molto bisogno di voci...
Carlo Cottarelli, già mister Spending Review, tornerà in Italia in autunno, dopo aver concluso il suo impegno al Fondo monetario internazionale. E' una buona notizia perché c'è molto bisogno di voci...
Frank Yiannas has spent years looking in vain for a better way to track lettuce, steaks and snack cakes from farm and factory to the shelves of Walmart, where he is the vice president for food safety....
Giù spesa pubblica e quindi giù tasse, meno Stato che pesa sui cittadini ma più Stato che li protegge dai pericoli esterni. Produttività produttività produttività: via 35 ore, aziende e lavoratori...
Sperando che questa frase di Donald Trump: «The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer» si riferisca a: «The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression is a book...
"Brexit means Brexit is the slogan of Theresa May’s new government, but more than a month after the seismic decision to leave the EU, no one knows what Brexit means. Only one thing is sure - unpicking...
Italy faces an acute banking crisis, and again the country’s political class is finding somebody else to blame... Sorgente: Italy’s Desperate Banks...
Thank God Merkel is in Germany. Thank heavens too that Scotland has proper political leaders across the board, including three strong women leading the SNP, Labour and the Tories. But God help the rest...
The Economist has made its position clear: attention-based ad sales are the future. Now it’s expanding this way of selling to more of its real estate, namely its daily Espresso app.That means in the...
Italy has no place in a doomsday scenario From Pasquale Q Terracciano. Sir, In ‘Italy may be the next domino to fall’, Wolfgang Münchau has misplaced in my country a doomsday scenario Sorgente: Italy...