A Conrad Black non piacciono (quasi) tutti i candidati repubblicani

Conrad Black dice che l'Amministrazione ha fallito, ma i candidati repubblicani stanno fallendo pure. Si nota, però, in Conrad Black nel candidato del momento, Herman Cain.

Ecco che cosa scrive su Huffington Post

But where are the Republicans? Their better people are not ripe, such as Congressman Paul Ryan and Senator Marco Rubio, or are shopworn names (Jeb Bush), and aren't running. A Blitzkrieg of persuasion did not dislodge New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and the declared candidates have not generated a firestorm of enthusiasm. On present odds, any plausible Republican candidate should win the election, but in a time of great need and much passion, the nearly two-thirds of Americans who disapprove the incumbent's job performance want to be ignited.

Continua a leggere: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/conrad-black/republican-candidates_b_1035769.html?utm_source=DailyBrief&utm_campaign=102811&utm_medium=email&utm_content=BlogEntry&utm_term=Daily%20Brief.